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28-Week Master Programme

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Weekly topic sheets

The 28 sessions listed below aim to cover the major factors involved in maintaining and developing emotional wellbeing - 'mental capital'. Founded on cognitive behavioural therapy, the information is presented in a clear and easily understood way.

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1. Talking about your emotions

The ability to talk about our emotions opens up the possibility of getting some help with them – and also having a lot of fun.

Simplified Version

2. Life-sculpting

Carving yourself out the kind of life you want can be an interesting, easy and fun thing to do.

Simplified Version

3. Sleep

Getting a good night’s sleep is one of the most helpful things you can do, and yet a surprising number of people find it very difficult to do.

Simplified Version

4. Perfecting your life commentary

Some people give themselves a depressing or worrying ‘commentary’ on their life, others train themselves to give and upbeat energising one.

Simplified Version

5. Overcoming depression

Depression is referred to as ‘the common cold of mental health’ – lots of people have it. Yet, now, there are great things to overcome it.

6. Understanding your emotions

Many people describe themselves as “their own worst enemy”; understanding what goes on in the brain explains why.

Simplified Version

7. How to stop worry

Worry famously drives people to distraction when it gets out of hand, so it’s important to know the rules for dealing with it.

Simplified Version

8. Plan yourself a great life

John Lennon said that life is what happens while you’re busy making better plans. This module looks at how to have a good life right now.

Simplified Version

9. Diet. Eating well

Even people who eat too much can be having insufficient of the necessary nutrients to keep them emotionally and physically healthy.

Simplified Version

10. What's the best thing to do when...?

In a range of situations, from sever to trivial, this is a terrific question to ask - and to act on.

Simplified Version

11. Music: a powerful natural drug

How to capitalise on the fact that music has massive effects on us, either good or bad depending on what the music is.

Simplified Version

12. Distraction

'Distraction' is one of the key techniques for you to use in dealing with all forms of unwanted emotions. It is very simple, but it is also very fundamental - it determines what you are thinking about.

Simplified Version

13. Exercise

The National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) says that exercise is one of the important factors for us, but what sort – and how can we keep it up?

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14. Diary Keeping

Lots of people keep a diary, and it can be a really good thing to do if you do it right – and do it at the right time.

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15. Problem Solving

Often enough, people have real problems to solve, and it is important to know how to work out good solutions.

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16. Showing Appreciation, giving thanks and expressing gratitude

This is a wonderfully simple cognitive-behavioural technique that combines action with mental focus to produce big emotional benefits for yourself and those around you.

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17. Mindfulness

Being mindful of what is in you and around you, whilst not necessarily striving to do anything about it.

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18. The action jar: Energising us to do things

One common problem is simply not knowing what to do, so some people spend a lot of time doing nothing. The action jar is a method for curing this.

Simplified Version

19. Breathing and relaxation

Breathing is easy, everybody does it. And yet if you don’t do it well it causes all sorts of problems, from panic to fatigue.

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20. Activating good schemas

Schemas or, as some people say, schemata, are important theoretical notions.

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21. Things to do

Doing the right thing at the right time is one of the big secrets of happiness. Some people are good at knowing what they want to do, but most of us benefit a lot from having a 'menu'.

22. Cooling down hot thoughts

From time to time we get a ‘hot’ thought – one which causes us a lot of bother and distress. We need to identify these thoughts and cool them down.

Simplified Version

23. Looking forward to things

Looking forward to things is a ‘psychological tonic’, and especially if you learn to look forward to small, everyday things.

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24. Sex

Sigmund Freud famously believed that sex and sexuality lay at the heart of many mental problems. Modern thinking places less emphasis on it as a cause of mental illness, but it is certainly a subject that preoccupies many people, and which can cause a great deal of distress as well as happiness.

25. All or nothing thinking and how to correct it

Epictetus famously said that "it is not events themselves that distress us; it is the view we take of those events". All or nothing thinking causes us to view things in a way that causes us more distress than needs be, and can be put right very easily.

Simplified Version

26. Taking control of yourself

It is curious just how many people have trouble 'controlling themselves'. And the rewards are great for those who can decide the way they want to be and then to be that way.

Simplified Version

27. Developing our friendships

The human species is fundamentally a social one, so relationships, or the lack of them, can be overwhelmingly important. There are rules.

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28. Setting goals for yourself.

If you don’t know what you want, it’s difficult to know when you’ve got it. Equally, to set and achieve good goals is one of life’s great satisfactions.

Simplified Version

Below are the other resources that you need

Weekly Observation Sheet


Simplified Version

Core Values


Mood Record


Registration Form


Feedback Form


Attendance Certificate


Folder Cover: Option 1 (Original)


Folder Cover: Option 2 (Beach)


Folder Cover: Option 3 (Desert)


Folder Cover: Option 4 (Stones)


Folder Spines


Delegate Certificate


Referral Form


Monitoring Request Form


Advertising Poster Example

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MoodMaster Checklist


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"This group is amazing; I have benefitted from it so much. It has helped me cope with my mental health problems, and everything I have learned will continue to help me for the rest of my life. I would recommend this course to anyone with mental health problems and even people just generally having difficulty day-to-day. Thank you."

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